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LM317D2TR4G Benutzerreferenzhandbuch - ON Semiconductor

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LM317D2TR4G Benutzerreferenzhandbuch

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1 Introduction
1.1 Description
User's Guide
SLOU201 June 2008
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
2 Operation ..................................................................................................................... 2
3 TPA2016D2EVM Schematic ............................................................................................... 7
4 TPA2016D2EVM PCB Layers ............................................................................................. 8
5 TPA2016D2EVM Parts List ............................................................................................... 10
List of Figures
1 Place Shunts Horizontally Across SCL and SDA ........................................................................ 2
2 Found New Hardware Wizard Advisory Screen ....................................................................... 3
3 Starting the Software ........................................................................................................ 4
4 Software Interface ........................................................................................................... 5
5 Connect I
C Controls to JP3 ............................................................................................... 6
6 TPA2016D2EVM Schematic ............................................................................................... 7
7 TPA2016D2EVM Top Layer ............................................................................................. 8
8 TPA2016D2EVM Layer 2 ................................................................................................ 8
9 TPA2016D2EVM Layer 3 ................................................................................................. 9
10 TPA2016D2EVM Bottom Layer.......................................................................................... 9
List of Tables
1 TPA2016D2EVM Parts List ............................................................................................... 10
The TPA2016D2 is a stereo, filter-free Class-D audio power amplifier with automatic gain control (AGC),
dynamic range compression (DRC) and I
C digital volume control. The AGC and DRC functions enhance
the perceived audio loudness, and at the same time prevent speaker damage from overdrive. The
TPA2016D2 has independent software shutdown control for each channel and a 30-step volume control.
Availability in the WCSP package makes TPA2016D2 an ideal choice for both cellular handsets and
The TPA2016D2 evaluation module (EVM) is a complete, stand-alone audio board. It contains the
TPA2016D2 WCSP (YZH) Class-D audio power amplifier.
All components and the EVM are Pb free.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
SLOU201 June 2008 TPA2016D2EVM 1
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