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CY8CKIT-002 PSoC® MiniProg3 Program and Debug Kit
Last Updated: 04/07/2014
The Miniprog3 supports the following protocols:
Included with the kit is a 10-pin ribbon cable for connecting to standard 10-pin JTAG header interfaces utilized for our PSoC 3,
PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP architectures while the device itself supports the 5-pin ISSP programming header for PSoC 1 architectures.
The 5-pin connector also supports the USB-I2C Bridging capabilities and is a superset of the CY3240 capabilities. Please note, the
CY8CKIT-002 only contains the Miniprog3 and supporting cables.
Miniprog3 *B Revision Update:
Cypress Semiconductor has completed a hardware update to the Miniprog3 to address hardware issues seen with programming,
ESD, and power management. The Miniprog3 revision, either *A or *B, is indicated using sticker on the back of the programmer.
The following are a list of updates made to the Miniprog3 *B programmer.
Updated Hardware to Improve Power Cycle Programming:
The Miniprog3 hardware has been updated to better improve power cycle programming for all PSoC devices. It was discovered
that the Miniprog3 *A programmer revision did not correctly implement the power cycle programming methodology. Due to this
issue the Miniprog3 *A programmer could not correctly support power cycle programming for PSoC 3, PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP
devices. This specifically impacts customers who do not route out the XRES line to the programming connector or disable the
optional XRES line on certain devices. The *B revision of the Miniprog3 will support power cycle programming for all PSoC 3, PSoC
4 and PSoC 5LP devices.
Over-current and Non-Polarized Connection Updates:
There are known electrical risks to the Miniprog3 *A revision that have been addressed with the *B update. To address the
electrical issues the Miniprog3 *B programmer has added ESD over-current protection to the USB lines and has added electrical
protection to the 5 and 10-pin connectors in case of a reverse polarity condition.
Improved Voltage Detection Capabilities:
The Miniprog3 *B programmer has been updated to improve the voltage detection capabilities. The Miniprog3 will measure the
target voltage within an accuracy of 20 mV for a range of 1.8V – 5.0V.
Supported Software:
The Miniprog3 *B programmer is supported on the latest release of PSoC Programmer. To download the latest release, please
navigate to the PSoC Programmer web page:
Additional Programming Information
The Miniprog3 programmer is part of a suite of programming options and programming content available to PSoC users. For
customers who are looking for more information on general programming options and information please navigate to the web
page linked below. On the General Programming web page we discuss all of the available programming options for customers
including Software, Schematics, Programming Specifications, and 3rd party mass programming.
The MiniProg3 programmer is not recommended for production programming. We suggest customers who need production
programming support consult our 3rd party programming vendors on our General Programming page listed above or through our
distribution partners: www.cypress.com/go/distributors
Related Files
File Title Language File Size Last Updated
Miniprog3 User Guide.pdf
English 665 KB 06/27/2013
CY8CKIT-002_MiniProg3_Quick Start_Guide.pdf
English 567 KB 06/27/2013
English 126 KB 12/12/2011
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